How can you use technology to help your business grow globally?

Startup&Angels Online Event #11 – How to leverage technology to grow your startup internationally On Wednesday 11, August, 2021 Startup&Angels organised an online event. It turned out to be a marvellous afternoon filled with great advice from our speakers and some interesting conversations in our newly introduced breakout rooms. The theme and focus […]
Event recap: Startup&Angels Sydney #19 – Social Entrepreneurship & Impact Investing

Last Thursday, we organised a Startup&Angels event in Sydney – an amazing night with inspiring startup pitches, insightful discussions and great conversations with like-minded people. The 19th edition of Startup&Angels Sydney event series was delivered in the format of a Pitch and Networking Night on May 13, with the focus on one of the most […]
Why social entrepreneurship should be embraced in 2021

Social entrepreneurship has emerged over the past few decades as a way to identify and bring about positive societal change. Before jumping into the definition, let’s take a look at some social entrepreneurship statistics from around the world: Australia: estimated 20,000 social enterprises operating across all industry sectors, with 68% are in the services sector, […]
Navigate the remote talent recruitment and management – Startup&Angels webinar

Expansion of transnational companies, migration patterns and technological advantages are driving the shift of the global workforce. The increasingly global expansion of organisations comes with a host of challenges in building and managing a cohesive workforce spanning more than one country or region. More challenges are posed as the Covid-19 pandemic has forced companies to […]
USA vs. AUS – Funding trends and comparison

Highlights of Startup&Angels Online Event #09 Startups have been dealing with shifting funding trends since the tumultuous 2020. In the post-Covid-19 time, it is critical for them to understand what to expect to seek investment in business ventures. In the very first webinar of 2021, we had serial entrepreneur Matthew Browne from Black Nova […]